Swallow this pill, ads are coming to WhatsApp messenger soon...

Ever since Facebook acquired WhatsApp, bringing ads to the messaging platform was a thought that we only needed time to finally see in life.

I know others do hate ads but I kinda have mixed thoughts about them. So long those ads won't fill up the whole screen; I don't mind them plus that's how they'll make money.

On which section of the app will these ads live, you might be asking. According to Android Authority, they'll be in the status section. Apparently, people spend most of their lives, sharing and viewing statuses so it makes sense to integrate targeted ads in that section.

Ads are a love or hate thing, but if WhatsApp has won our hearts we'll just learn to live with them (I wish!); I don't think you'll switch to other messaging services like Yahoo, Google Allo or BBM. "Is BBM still a thing?"  We can only wonder if this implementation won't do away with end-to-end encryption or the security that we currently have.

Those are the news, let's wait and see. This is me signing off, like our Facebook page here.


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