Textra; a delicious, SMS app that is simply elegant.

Good old SMSs are a thing of the past, but we still rely on them here and there to get our jobs done. Textra brings a modernized version of that functionality. A default messages app can do just fine but this app will make you think again!. A developer by the name Delicious had been in work and this is proof of their hard work.


The app has a nice coat, and if you care about the look, which you should; this won't disappoint. There is an option for a dark mode if you prefer that, plus you can make things a bit dark or go even hardcore with a black background; dark mode is nicer in the dark and it even looks and functions better on AMOLED screens.


The app is heavily animated, things move around a lot; animations guides and helps you get the best experience you will not find elsewhere.

This an SMS app so all you expect is here. Textra provides a nifty feature to differentiated your contacts with colors, you can either manually choose colors for each contact or let the app do the magic for you. Go to Settings, Customize look under Customise section, and finally tap Auto-theme Contacts to let the app do its thing. If most of your conversation revolves around SMS-ing, then its save to switch.

What's more exciting is that you can block those annoying messages from intruders. Is your carrier bordering you with their messages? Don't worry, this is a one-stop solution for all your problems. Other SMS block apps will need you to provide a number you wish to block. The problem is carriers seem to be smart enough to hide it but with Textra nothing seems to be impossible. Long press on a contact, tap the drop-down menu and finally choose Blacklist. You can find the blacklisted contacts in the settings in case you need to undo the process.

The ability to block messages saved my life; especially promotional messages from carriers. I sometimes find myself navigating around the app admiring those animations, they are adorable you should see those things moving around. This app is simply elegant.

Download the app from the PlayStore

That's it from us, like our facebook page here and have a wonderful day.


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