WhatsApp Message Info.

Probably you've noticed this or you haven't but anyway it's my job to tell you so let's go straight to that.
You can now view who have received and/or read your group messages by tapping and holding on a message you've send, and on the action bar select the information icon(The icon situated between the delete and starred icons.)
But given an extra capability to get a glance of how many haven't received  and/or read your message, that's an icing on the cake.
And moreover you can get a view of when the message was delivered and read by pressing on the contact icon. when still in the information menu. It works only on those friends who have read the message.
Still on about the message info, you can view when the message  was delivered and/or read by an individual friend, just follow  the same procedure.

Thank you guys, hope this was beneficial and don't forget to share this with your friends. Have a wonderful day...


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