Want a new PC and don’t know which one to buy? Welcome to our guide.

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Criteria of choice

As much as it’s important to buy a PC that meets your course type, it’s not ideal to stick to that. Take a PC as an investment than a gadget; Purchase a unit that will be helpful in the long run.

With that out of the way, my recommendation is to get one that has at least 4GB RAM. RAM alone does not guarantee a better PC but it’s a safe bet to go with.

Nowadays a brand doesn't matter much, the reason being the manufacturers import processing parts from the same wholesaler anyway.

Course types

This article targets the scholars but not limited to them alone.

BSC Computer Science
For all who wish to or are pursuing their career in Computer Science, you don’t need a high-end PC; a decent PC of 4GB will do just fine.

A high end one (8GB of RAM) will be essential if, along the way, you’d decides to work with Image Rendering software like Blender (An open source software to create 3D videos) or run a software development App like Visual Studio.

In BComm we mostly deal with numbers and statistics, they can require more computer power sometimes. A PC with 4GB of RAM can handle most of the tasks but getting a PC of 8GB RAM will come in handy.

At one point in time, you’ll need to use Visual Studio software. Even though it runs on PCs of 2GB but it’s not a smooth experience.

BSC Engineering
Be ready to spend hours and hours in front of a computer, so don't get a PC with 4GB of RAM no! Just don’t. You are an engineering student for God’s sake!

Your minimum specifications for a PC should be 8GB. You’ll be working with requiring apps and you might need to switch OSs (Operation Systems) at some point so bite your teeth and don’t settle for less.

BSC Nursing
Some of the nursing students can honestly survive without a PC but if planning to get one. A 4GB PC is a reasonable choice.

You can get a PC of 8GB RAM if you intend to play around with software that can help create 3D body parts. This is not a must so 4GB will do.

The rest of the world; a 4GB RAM PC is what I recommend. Don’t get me wrong any PC can do because the only software you might need is Microsoft Word processor.

If you can’t make a choice, why not let your budget do it for you. But I stick to my recommendation of 4GB because you’ll need to visit the internet more often.

Closing Remarks

I am currently using a PC with 4GB of RAM, even though it flies on some tasks but quickly slows down while launching other apps. Both Android Studio and Blender tends to hang most of the time.

Okay, as short as I tried to keep this guide I hoped it will be beneficial in any way.

If there is any course with special software that I’ve missed, tell me about it in the comments.


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