Charging a phone on a computer has no harm, but benefits


Does charging your devices on a computer kill their batteries? Does a computer slow down the charge speed?

My opinions:

These same old questions keep resurfacing among the skeptical community. Until we fully believe that these smartphones are, well smart. We will keep panting old problems on newer devices.

Without getting too technical, an average smartphone battery needs a 5V(volts) adapter to get the electrons moving (charging). Since a computer is capable of delivering so many volts, your device will kind of charge as expected (if it happens to be an average smartphone).

Kind of, because some devices support fast charging. Fast chargers charge your device quickly as opposed to regular chargers. If your device has no fast charging goodness, you're okay with using a computer to juice it up.

The answer:

So the answer is, no and no. The computer doesn't kill a battery and it's not responsible for a slow charge(If your device doesn't support quick charge); using a regular charger will take it time too.

There are several reasons why your device's battery dies. The first reason being, the battery's lifespan. No matter how careful you become of your battery, it will soon die. Sorry! The computer does not deserve the blame.

The second reason is; charging it on a computer allured you into using it because it's always nearer to you. Even though minimal usage of a device while charging has no big issue as smartphones are almost always busy, heavy usage can cause a device to heat up, thus affect the battery. So don't put the blame on the computer, take the blame.

 There are a lot more than these two, you can always Google those.

Reasons, why you might need to juice your device on a computer anyway:

 1.  A computer USB port can deliver not more than 5Volt of voltage, so using a device while charging doesn't bring harm as compared to a wall socket; no more electric shocks.

 2. You can transfer files while charging your device for the next trip or something else.


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