How to work around a low on storage(memory) warning!!!

The easiest way to get a low storage warning out of your way is to factory reset your device, woah! Don't do that unless you really need to delete all files in your device. After a factory reset all your info with be gone and there is no way to recover it unless you did a backup beforehand. Here are less aggressive methods that won't delete your files unexpectedly.

1. Clean the cache

App developers make use of cache capabilities to store data so their apps run smoothly especially those that rely on networking. This data is not permanent because it can be deleted by the OS to make more room for other apps so you can manually clean it up if you need to claim more storage.

There are two ways to do this, either per app or for all apps.
N.BYou can manually do this or look for an app that will do the job for you.

One way is to go to settings, storage and then tap on Cached data to clean up. And the other way is to clean the cache for each app individually. Go to Settings, apps, and then look for an app you wish to clean cached data for. While on Application info, clear the cache by tapping on, clear cache. The picture above might help.

2. Use lightweight apps

Well, this one is obvious or it should be at least. Facebook lite is a living testimony that demonstrates the importance of light apps. Facebook's app size is about 60MB while it's lite variant is just under 2MB and to get to that size, a lot of features had to be stripped down but that is impressive. Google went all out to advice developers to strip down their apps for low entry devices with low RAM, storage, poor network bandwidth and etc.

Not only do these lightweight apps aim to play nice with devices storage but are also great with mobile data, at least someone gives a damn about data.

3. Disable System apps

Devices with come many apps that we may never use. Thinking of uninstalling them is not an option either because, well you cannot uninstall them, ah! Anyways. You can simply disable them but just know if you already updated the app, it will be restored to its factory state.

4. Delete Files you don't need

I guess I cannot advise people on this without being hypocritical, my PC is almost full but I don't know which files to get rid of, anyway let's carry on.
If you look deep into your phone, I mean deep; then you'll realize how many files you don't need.
You listen to only 20 songs a day, but you have a thousand of them. Why? You might need them next time, you can say! Honestly, yeah, some songs trigger a certain memory so they don't have to go away. Even better; "I used my data to download them so no ways I'm gonna get rid of those." Okay, Okay, okay. Delete files you really you don't need.

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